Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tricks for Treats

I love the calorie count website at It's where I got most of my nutrition education. Their featured article today teaches some tricks to keep from binging on Halloween candy. My favorite of those tricks is to mindfully eat a few bites of the candy you love.

I would like to add, also, some of my planned tricks for this year. My kiddos will be going to a church trunk or treat on Thursday, then we all will be going to a family party Friday night, then we will host a party on Sunday (Halloween). I plan to let the kids eat a few pieces of their candy at each function, then put all the rest in the pot to give out to trick-or-treaters who come to our house on Halloween. My kids love giving things away, so they get to share in the door-duty that night. I plan to buy a few extra bags of candy to give away, but I will not be buying anything that will be too tempting for me. No chocolate. Maybe Nerds and dum dums. I also plan to bake some fantastic desserts for our party Halloween night. I will save up so I can eat those. Next to homemade cinnamon bun caramel popcorn and toffee chocolate chip cookies, those old hershey's kisses don't look quite so tempting.


  1. sends your halloween candy to soldiers.

  2. Holy Cow! This is just what I needed to hear as I'm sitting here binging on M&Ms. THANKS!

  3. Good ideas Fluer. Did you even encounter someone who just "insists" you try the cookies or cake they made? You don't want to be rude or insult them but know you just shouldn't or don't even want it.
